Batman vs Real Steel

The boys love Lego, as most boys do, so combine that with Jasper’s love of superhero’s and comics, Levi’s love of anything mechanical, and a good healthy dose of imagination and we have had quite the interesting array of Minifigs popping up this summer.

Jasper’s collection included – Batman & Robin (Lego Classics)

(Jasper Classics – from left to right) Blue Beetle, Atom, Plastic Man & The Question

Aquaman & The Green Arrow

Levi created these Real Steel Monsters

Levi’s collection –

And as if that was not enough we went to check out the new Lego store at Oakridge Centre today, whew what a Lego lover’s dream. I am not sure who had more fun, the kids, or the grandparents!

I can only imagine the array of creations we are going to have!

So let the creating continue…