Bring on Christmas!

Well, it is that time of year again, Christmas is right around the corner. Time to get out the decorations and bring in the pine branches. Christmas always brings a giddy excitement in our home. Summer is hardly over and the kids, especially my oldest, are already talking about Christmas.

We have a few traditions, that make the holidays for us ~

Present opening at 12 o’clock am Christmas morning (yes a little bit insane, but that is one tradition that won’t be going anywhere, anytime soon 😉 )

Tourtière – yummy meat pie, traditional to a Québécois Christmas, and then what is Christmas without Elf on the Shelf.

We started this last year and the kids loved it! The premise is this little elf watches over everyone and reports back to Santa every night to give a progress report. Each morning he is somewhere else in the house. The kids named our little elf  “Elfie” and each morning they loved trying to find out where he was hiding. So are the kids angels from the minute he arrives until Christmas?!…well hardly, but he adds a little sparkle and excitement. You can pick up your very own Elf on a Shelf at ChaptersIndigo

The other tradition that my mom started was the Lego Village. Each year Lego has come out with a new piece to add to the village. The boys have great fun building the new set and then adding pieces they already have to make quite an elaborate village. Our latest addition is still in the box, tucked away for a rainy day, oh wait….we have had lots of those…ok the next Pro-D Day 🙂

What kind of Holiday Traditions make Christmas special for you?

I look forward to sharing lots more Christmas Cheer!

Batman vs Real Steel

The boys love Lego, as most boys do, so combine that with Jasper’s love of superhero’s and comics, Levi’s love of anything mechanical, and a good healthy dose of imagination and we have had quite the interesting array of Minifigs popping up this summer.

Jasper’s collection included – Batman & Robin (Lego Classics)

(Jasper Classics – from left to right) Blue Beetle, Atom, Plastic Man & The Question

Aquaman & The Green Arrow

Levi created these Real Steel Monsters

Levi’s collection –

And as if that was not enough we went to check out the new Lego store at Oakridge Centre today, whew what a Lego lover’s dream. I am not sure who had more fun, the kids, or the grandparents!

I can only imagine the array of creations we are going to have!

So let the creating continue…